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Restart in Malta am 03. Juli 2020
Autor Beitrag
Montag 15 Juni 15:21 Uhr

Andreas Gruber

Themen: 4695
Beiträge: 2996

Restart in Malta am 03. Juli 2020!

Lange mussten die Malteser warten, aber nun heißt es auch auf der Insel "Start Frei" am 03. Juli 2020, erzählt uns Paul Galea, der neben Rodney Gatt,Charles Camillieri und Noel Baldacchino zu den Topakteuren zählt. Endlich hat die Regierung grünes Licht gegeben.

Nun fehlen eigentlich nur noch die Holländer als letztes europäisches Land für den Restart!

Man hat die Zwischenzeit genutzt und das harte Geläuf mit neuem Sand ausgestattet, so dass es viel schonender für die Pferdebeine sein wird.

Informationen zu den Rennen finden SIe auf:

Hier finden Sie Malta's Hygienekonzept:

Code of good practice in times of crisis Covid-19 & Medical Protocol

1. Temperature Monitoring of every person accessing the Race-Track (any person who has a temperature exceeding 37 degrees Celsius will not be allowed to enter into the facility)

2. Everybody will be required to wear a face mask on the racetrack, & paddock area.

3. Minimum distance between each driver from the lateral side is 2.5mts* (see photo 1)

4. Mimimum distance from front to back between each driver is 4.0mts* (see photo 2)

5. Social distancing is to be kept in all areas of the race-track. Each horse representative will keep a distance from each other of 5mts.

6. Each person shall be at the track for a minimum time possible and at no time there shall be more than 75 persons within the whole complex.

7. No grouping will be allowed.

8. Every person will be required to make sure that all equipment used and surfaces are to be cleaned regularly.

9. Hand Sanitizers will be situated in all rooms that will be used and around the track.

10. Toilets and bathrooms are to be cleaned and disinfected every hour.

11. Each horse shall be accompanied by a maximum of 2 persons

12. Ambulance service will be available during the time of the meeting

13. The Malta Racing Club is suggesting to all horse owners, trainers and drivers that in each private stable (not at the track as there are no stables in the MRC track site) there should be the least persons possible per stable.

Bilder Copyright Facebook Malta Racing Club, Paul Mifsud, Alex Azzopardi Photography
