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Dank Kooperation mit TotoPro (Radsoft) – Systemwetten auf skandinavische V-Wetten
Autor Beitrag
Freitag 11 März 22:10 Uhr

Nicolai Laaser

Themen: 26
Beiträge: 588
FORTUNA schreibt:

Wie schon mal gepostet, würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mal einen online Kurs (webinar) anbieten könntet.

Auch eine Totopro Tippgemeinschaft wäre etwas, wo man gemeinsam einen Schein erstellt und jeder mitmachen kann.

Persönlich kenne ich mich nicht im Zusammenhang der Gruppen und der Bankpferde aus, würde gerne zB. gerne eine 4 aus 6 spielen, aber gelingt mir nicht, gebe dann auf

Ich frag mal Trotto, ob wir noch ein Tutorial machen oder ein sogenanntes Webinar. Problem ist, dass wir alle ja ziemliche Laien sind. :-)

Samstag 12 März 09:48 Uhr


Themen: 10
Beiträge: 534
KillerQueen schreibt:

4 aus 6 ist doch nicht schwer

in die erste Gruppe die A-Pferde und drunter 4 bis 6 auswählen
in die zweite Gruppe alle anderen und 0 bis 2 auswählen

Moin Walter, wozu die Auswahl in Gruppe B, die erste Auswahl reicht doch. 

Edit: Bei der Auswahl 4 bis 6 spielt man ein "4 aus 6" und ein "5 aus 6" und ein "6 aus6". Will man nur ein "4 aus 6" spielen, dann müsste man 4 bis 4 auswählen.

Samstag 12 März 12:08 Uhr


Themen: 41
Beiträge: 3120

Fleissaufgabe 🙈

Samstag 12 März 12:38 Uhr

Andreas Gruber

Themen: 4669
Beiträge: 2974
FORTUNA schreibt:

Wie schon mal gepostet, würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mal einen online Kurs (webinar) anbieten könntet.

Auch eine Totopro Tippgemeinschaft wäre etwas, wo man gemeinsam einen Schein erstellt und jeder mitmachen kann.

Persönlich kenne ich mich nicht im Zusammenhang der Gruppen und der Bankpferde aus, würde gerne zB. gerne eine 4 aus 6 spielen, aber gelingt mir nicht, gebe dann auf

Das wäre vielleicht für übernächste Woche eine gute Idee!


Dienstag 15 März 18:54 Uhr


Themen: 81
Beiträge: 627

Die Ersatzpferde können ab sofort selbst ausgewählt werden. Aber man kann sich auch an der ATG-Rangordnung orientieren. Jedem, wie er es mag. 

Donnerstag 17 März 14:37 Uhr


Themen: 10
Beiträge: 534

TotoPro TotoPro Hallo, ich stelle die Frage mal in's Board, damit alle etwas von der Antwort haben.

Welche Rangordnung wird bei den Reduktionen verwendet?


Aus welcher Rangordnung (WR, TR oder MR) wird die Summe gebildet? 

Vielen Dank!

Donnerstag 17 März 18:48 Uhr


Themen: 41
Beiträge: 3120

wennst nix aussuchst is es WR (ATG Prozente zu dem Zeitpunkt)

Donnerstag 17 März 19:03 Uhr


Themen: 10
Beiträge: 534
KillerQueen schreibt:

wennst nix aussuchst is es WR (ATG Prozente zu dem Zeitpunkt)

Danke, das hatte ich auch vermutet.  

Zu Thema "aussuchen": Du meinst diese Einstellung?

Ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass diese Einstellung nur die Spezialpunkte einstellt und nicht 

den Typ der Rangfolge...


Donnerstag 17 März 23:11 Uhr


Themen: 41
Beiträge: 3120

nö - die kenn ich noch gar nicht 😂

Freitag 18 März 09:30 Uhr


Themen: 81
Beiträge: 627
dontpanic schreibt:

TotoPro TotoPro Hallo, ich stelle die Frage mal in's Board, damit alle etwas von der Antwort haben.

Welche Rangordnung wird bei den Reduktionen verwendet?


Aus welcher Rangordnung (WR, TR oder MR) wird die Summe gebildet? 

Vielen Dank!

Die Summe der Rangordnungspunkte in der Reduktion ergibt sich aus der eigenen Rangordnung:

In diesem Beispiel hier wird die 5 mit einem Punkt gewertet. Pferd Nummer 4 Eowyn erhält 2 Punkte, Jerka Sting 3 Punkte und so weiter. Ich entscheide selbst, wieviele Punkte die Pferde erhalten. 

Freitag 25 März 16:59 Uhr

Andreas Gruber

Themen: 4669
Beiträge: 2974
Andreas Gruber schreibt:
FORTUNA schreibt:

Wie schon mal gepostet, würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mal einen online Kurs (webinar) anbieten könntet.

Auch eine Totopro Tippgemeinschaft wäre etwas, wo man gemeinsam einen Schein erstellt und jeder mitmachen kann.

Persönlich kenne ich mich nicht im Zusammenhang der Gruppen und der Bankpferde aus, würde gerne zB. gerne eine 4 aus 6 spielen, aber gelingt mir nicht, gebe dann auf

Das wäre vielleicht für übernächste Woche eine gute Idee!


Ich würde mal nächsten Donnerstag (31. März) vorschlagen per Teams-Meeting.

Montag 28 März 23:20 Uhr

Themen: 21
Beiträge: 217

Any way to get it in english too?

Dienstag 29 März 09:26 Uhr


Themen: 81
Beiträge: 627

As we are a Norwegian company you may send us your questions in English and we will answer them immediately. If you are Norwegian, too, please register on our Norwegian page: (only with an Norwegian Mail and home adress). 

If you are Swedish then please use this link: In Sweden you need to pay a monthly fee to use TotoPro. 




Freitag 08 April 04:09 Uhr

Themen: 21
Beiträge: 217

Omg, I just used over 4 hours to write something and I got page expired when I posted it. Luckily I saved the text in another file... (though I have to fix the images manually again sigh.



So I thought I'd present to you people another way I devised how to play. I mentioned it to profiler profiler  earlier. The method I devised and explained comes after two rows of "--------". The first part is an intro to TotoPro so you know what to press and so on, understanding what you're actually doing. Worth a read.


I will present my preliminary horses to this sundays V64 Bro Park, Galopp, in Sweden with this new system I devised by using TotoPro.


The first thing i do is enter , then choose TotoPro XV and log in.


The first thing I do while inside is to choose the correct Bet and Track.

Next, I click on the horses I want to play to add them to my potential system.

I will start with V64-1. Here I will choose the horses: 1-Skyraider2-Daytona Gold3-Greet Me.

One can then separate them into Blocks ("1", "2", "3", "4", etc which reflect what you know as horses ABCD, etc) or "Gruppen" as it happens to present itself in the german version of TotoPro. I do this by clicking the number that appears next to the name. It will open a small where one can select Block 12, etc. By default, it comes with the option to set the horses in four (4) different groups (or Blocks, or Gruppen).

I happen to like the favorite 2-Daytona Gold vastly more than the other two. So I put 2-Daytona Gold in Block 1 (or A horse) and proceed to put the other two as equals in Block 2 (or B horse).

Now that I've done that, I proceed to do the same with the other races in the V64, namely V64-2V64-3, .. , V64-6After I do that, having chosen horses in all races, I press on Systempreis. This will give me the value of my ticket without any rules. In this example the value is 1296 euros. This means a ticket where I play all the horses I selected and every possible combination between them. Notice that after pressing Systempreis, the area will change to Wette senden. We don't want to press Wette senden yet but if you do, just press cancel afterwards.

Notice how the horses I chose are divided into different Blocks and how in some races there is no Block 3 (or C horse). You might have your own system of preferences but you will want to choose the horses you think have the better chances starting from Block 1 and going downwards.

I chose my blocks as following: (Just presenting it as an example, in no way do I recommend this as I just started with this system and I usually Lose to favorites)

A horse, horse (s) that I think will win.
B horse, horse (s) that can beat the horse (s) in A.
C horseFavorite horse (s) that I don't like.
D horseGood Quality Horse (High Handicap or Spesialist in the track/distance/etc)  that can win that I don't think will/should win.


Now to the rules. A ticket like this, without rules, might be too expensive. We don't think it's worth to play the same amount of money or combinations for a D horse as for an A horse. As in our eyes, it's less probable for D horses to win compared to A horses. So we want to reduce the sytem and play less on horses further down the Blocks and more on the ones at the top. Winning will depend on how right one was about the horses chances.

One of the easiest ways to do this is being confident and saying that at least four (4A horses will win out of six (6). Notice that in this particular example, we have 6 A horses. And it just happens to be 1 A horse per race. Had it been more than 1 A horse per race we would be playing more combinations.

Next I will show you how we play this particular system for Bro Park for at least 4 out of 6 A horses to win.

We press Visuell in the top middle of TotoPro. Our system will then change to show us our selections in Blocks instead. Notice that it is the same selection of horses and distributed the same way. Notice how in the bottom of the middle, under your selections, there's a line with Mi/Ma/K. These letters refer to:

- Mi, Minimum horses to hit. Another way to see it is, the least amount of horses that have to be right for the ticket to win for that particular Block or Gruppen.
- Ma, Maximum horses to hit. Another way to see it is, the maximum amount of horses that can be right for the ticket to win, for that particular Block or Gruppen.
- K, Kategori means category. You can have several combination of restrictions (for advanced users).

(You can click on Klassisch to go back to the older way of visualizing.)

"Do also take the chance to hover the mouse pointer over Visuell and select Zeige die verteilung to show the percentages (%) next to the horses."

So to play 4 out of 6 for A horses to win, and having that as the only rule, you only have to choose "4" in Mi position and "6" in the Ma position. Just leave the K position blank. To run the reduction you then have to press on Systempreis again. It now shows that the system only costs 28.92 euros. We went from 1296 euros to 28.92 euros. You can see the system got reduced to 2.2 %. (Of course, 4 out of 6 A horses have to win, and in the races they don't the winners have to be in the other Blocks selected.

You can now go press on Re.1Re.2, .. , Re.6 and see under %S on the bottom part of TotoPro, to see how much of the money or combinations are used on the different horses. In this example, you can see that 2-Daytona Gold has 81.7 % of the combinations. If you press Re.2 you can see that 6-Cece Amazing has 73.9 % of the combinations, and so on.

Now, you can narrow the system further by saying that the B horse has to win at least once. This means two things. If the Mi/Ma for the A Block is filled with 4 out of 6, as in our example so far, that the A horses can win at most five (5) times. Why? Because at least one race has to be won by the B horses. So, filling the Mi/Ma section for the B Block with at 1 out of 6, leaving the A Block untouched, and pressing Systempreis we get:

(Notice that it doesn't matter if we leave the Ma side as 6 for the B horses, as at most two (2B horses can win anyway. This since we have selected at least 4 out of 6 A horses to win for the A Block.)

As you can see, we went from a ticket cost of 28.92 euros down to 22.92 euros, slightly decreasing the value. Notice how also the percentage of combinations of 6-Cece Amazing is reduced from 73.9 % to 72.3 %.

One can play this way and find other rules one might like. Like for example having only four (4A horses and being right at least twice (2). Declaring also that at least one (1B horse wins and that at most two (2D horses win. This case is shown in the following image, with the same selection as previously but with moving 6-Cece Amazing in V64-2 and 2-Dust Devil in V64-3 from A horse to B horse, as we might consider (and I quite do) that those two races are very even and hard to pick an A horse with full confidence.

As you can see, the price of the ticket is 252.48 euros. It's less than the original 1296 euros but more costly than our 4 our of 6 on the A horses with and without the 1 out of 6 for the B horses that cost 28.92 and 22.92 euros respectively, though with more combinations.

The Ticket LINK

Notice how 2-Daytona Gold now has 71.5 % of the combinations when it initially hovered over 80 %. You can see that the other A horses have around the same percentages of the combinations.

2-Daytona Gold 71.5 %
5-Warren Road 53.1 %
6-Beach Road One 46,1 %
- 3-Dragonfly 45.5 %


Here comes My proposal to a New Way to play without reductions in blocks in the form of Mi/Ma but in the way og Block Product Maximum instead. Block Product refers to the mathematical product between Correct Blocks per race.

An A horse has the value one (1), a B horse has the value two (2), a C horse the value three (3) and so on.

Let's say an A Block Horse wins in three (3) races, and the other three races in the V64 are won by a B horseC horse and a D horse respectively. In this case the Block Product is 1x1x1x2x3x4 = 24.

If the D horses win all six (6) races in the V64, the Block Product is 4x4x4x4x4x4 = 4096.

So what I want to accomplish is having more combinations with the A horses than with the lower ranked horses like the D horses as my reduction. I will use the same selection of horses I used previously but use this Block Product rule instead!

Next, I will press Reduktionen on the upper left. And in this , I will press the + Speziell option.

This will give me several further options. I will choose Produkt Gruppen.

As you can see from the image, this gives me the Min and Max option for the Block Product (Produkt Gruppen in german). It displays 4096 as the Max value. This is because we are using four (4Blocks. Had we used only three (3) Blocks, the Max would show 3x3x3x3x3x3 = 729.

We proceed to reduce the Max value of Block Product to 130 and press SystempreisWe see that we go from an initial ticket value of 1296 euros down to 908.16 euros. A reduction to 70.1 %. Since the value of the ticket didn't go down that much, it means we still have a lot of combinations in the ticket, and that mostly those combinations between Blocks C and got deleted.

We are not content with this because of two reasons.

1- The ticket did not got reduced enough.
2- We want 2-Daytona Gold in V64-1 to have at least 50 % of the combinations of the ticket. This reduction gives it 39.7 % of the combinations.

We might also want 6-Beach Road One in V64-5 to have around 50 % of the combinations too. Currently it has 22.3 %, too little.

The Ticket LINK

We fix this by degrading the ranks of the other races we are not as sure about as with these two races. So while we keep races V64-1 and V64-5 going from Block A and downwards, we start with Block B and so on for the other races in the V64. Since we only have four (4) Blocks, we also remember to add a fifth (5) Block on the lower right, next to Reihenpreis.

And Voilá, we have reduced our system down to 120 euros. We didn't change the Min/Max numbers on the Block Product rule. We only lowered the score of the four (4) we were not as sure about, compared with the two (2) races we wanted to have a higher combinations of the ticket.

- The ticket got reduced down to 9.3 %  and the combinations percentage of 2-Daytona Gold went up to 66.8 % from 39.7 % we were not satisfied with.
6-Beach Road One went up to 63.2 % from the 22.3 % it had.
- The other races in the V64 got a more even and less steep distribution too.

The Ticket LINK

With that said, we are not satisfied yet. Both 6-Cece Amazing (V64-2)2-Dust Devil (V64-3)5-Warren Road (V64-4), and 3-Dragonfly (V64-6) are all pretty much played in around 50 % of the combinations. Let's say we're more sure about 5-Warren Road winning than the others and that 50 % is too steep for them. We can solve this by degrading the Blocks in the races once again. But this time, only those horses in V64-2V64-3 and V64-6.

(Remember to add a sixth (6Block on the lower right, next to Reihenpreis.)

(We also change the Product Block Max value since the numbers got bigger. We set it at 400.)

Notice how our system got reduced down to 14,5 % to a value of 187.44 euros.


- We kept a steep combinations distribution for 2-Daytona Gold, as we wanted. 65.0 % (Image 1 of the last series, up)
- We kept a more even but decreasing gradient of combinations for the race of 6-Cece Amazing. (Image 2 of the last series. up)
- We kept a more even but decreasing gradient of combinations for the race of 2-Dust Devil. (Image 3 of the last series, up)
- We kept a semi-steep combinations distribution for 5-Warren Road, as we wanted (Image 4 of the last series, up)
- We kept a steep combinations distribution for 6-Beach Road One, as we wanted. 59.7 % (Image 5 of the last series, up)
- We kept a relatively even decreasing gradient of combinations for the race of 3-Dragonfly, as we wanted. (Image 6 of the last series, up)

So That is my New Method. One which I hope can be of use for you people.


- You concentrate your ticket around what your trust more without excluding outsiders.
- You get to control the percentage distribution of the ticket.
- All your most confident pick combination are selected by default as they have the lowest Block Product Value.


- More of a hassle than 2 out of 4 etc.
- Can still not account for favorites specifically. This though can be managed if you said favorites in a group of their own not so far down.
- You can't get a clear picture of what your ticket looks like unless you start multiplying.


Freitag 08 April 04:31 Uhr


Themen: 75
Beiträge: 1273

wow, Mr Earlybird...good job 👏
